What We Do

We partner with companies to embrace neurodiversity – a diversity of minds – in the workplace and transition gifted individuals on the autism spectrum into meaningful talent for corporations.

We believe job candidates in our neurodivergent community are uniquely gifted, educated and qualified for meaningful employment but are often marginalized unnecessarily due to social and structural barriers.

We are the bridge that seeks to connect this divide by removing these obstacles and providing opportunities for gainful corporate employment.

We work directly with corporations to increase their awareness of the value of a neurodiverse workplace and help them develop inclusive hiring and employment practices for neurodivergent talent. 

We've impacted over 2,100 lives through


companies educated and invested in the business value of neurodiversity


individuals placed into meaningful jobs leveraging their skills and abilities


neurodivergent talent coached and prepared for business professional jobs


and growing lives impacted through our services, training and advocacy

Our Programs

Job Matching

Match Talent to Jobs
Grow Careers

Our Job Matching program enables meaningful and gainful employment by matching our business-ready talent pool to jobs at neurodiverse-ready corporations.  

Our hiring programs are focused on talent acquisition – finding the right talent with the right skills for the right job. We assess the characteristics of identified jobs and use a job matching capability to present qualified candidates to our partnering hiring manager. We work closely with hiring teams to review the hiring process to remove social bias and increase equity for all candidates. Our on-boarding support includes adequately preparing our talent in coordination with other service providers.

Our job matching capability assesses the unique cognitive style of our talent and matches them to the characteristics of a given job. This holistic matching approach includes a broad spectrum of criteria designed to ensure success both for our talent and the corporation. 

For sustained impact, we evaluate our programs to ensure they are implemented effectively, and foster a commitment to equitable hiring practices with our partnering companies. This includes providing on-going support to our talent for professional development that leads to employment longevity as well as career growth, and on-going support for hiring teams to build sustainable, equitable workplaces.

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