Neurodiversity and Parenthood: A Parallel of Support
For many employed adults, water cooler talk and the small talk at the beginning of a Monday morning meeting is a routine experience of work interactions, but for some, that experience is much harder to come by. One of our neurodistinct team members, Paige, shares insights from the first cohort of our (Neuro)diversity in Insurance Program! Read the full article to learn more.
“Insuring” a Future for Neurodistinct Adults
For many employed adults, water cooler talk and the small talk at the beginning of a Monday morning meeting is a routine experience of work interactions, but for some, that experience is much harder to come by. One of our neurodistinct team members, Paige, shares insights from the first cohort of our (Neuro)diversity in Insurance Program! Read the full article to learn more.
2020 Year in Review
2020 was an amazing year of growth here at NeuroTalent Works (formerly The Spectrum Works). Read about it all here in our Year in Review!
Gratitude and Celebration: Reflecting on 2019
We wrap up this year feeling humbled and grateful for your continued support and partnership towards building neurodiverse workplaces and job opportunities for adults on the autism spectrum. 2019 has been a significant year for us: We incorporated as a 501(c)3, established our operational processes and Jessica transitioned to a full-time position enabling us to […]
Reflections on 2017 – Our First Year!
As we look back on 2017, our team is grateful for our first year together incubating and launching The Spectrum Works! It was truly an amazing year of growth, friendship, and purpose. We’re thankful for the network we’ve cultivated supporting and partnering with us to help deserving adults with autism find meaningful employment! Looking back, […]
GivingTuesday 2017
As your news feed and inboxes have probably been made known repeatedly, today is #GivingTuesday, a global day to support and champion causes you believe in! I find that an influx of the same messaging can sometimes dilute the message behind a cause and for that reason, I hope you’ll pause with me to consider […]