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What We Do
Talent Readiness
Corporate Readiness
Our Partners
Why It Matters
About Us
Our Story
Our Team
Insurance Jobs
Corporate Partner Feedback Form
Your Name
Activity Subject
What were your expectations when you first heard about our work in our initial meetings?
What expectations did we meet/exceed in?
What expectations did we not meet?
What have been the most challenging aspects working with us/our talent pool?
What have been the most beneficial aspects working with us/our talent pool?
Have there been any "ah-ha" moments of new insight or inspiration you've gained since working with us/our talent?
How has working with us changed any per-conceived perceptions/perspectives you've held (personally or professionally)?
Are there any lessons learned or best practices you would say are required to keep in mind for other companies we work with?
What cognitive (or thinking) style works well in your business? If there are multiple styles, which style for which role?
If anything could be measured and quantified, what do you wish you knew about applicants/employees regarding how they process information and perform work?
What is useful or not useful about the Architex metrics currently provided?
How satisfied are you with your NeuroTalent Works hire?
Does the new employee meet your expectations? If so, how? If not, how?
Does the new employee's performance align with your expectations given their Architex profile?
Did the domains you rated as important to you in the Architex matching profile turn out to be the domains that were important for the position that you filled?
Do the new employee's abilities align with the domains you rated as important to you in the Architex matching profile?
Are there domains of thinking or proficiency you wish were included in this matching profile?
Are there domains that were not helpful to you when selecting this applicant?
What domain(s) was most helpful to you when selecting this applicant?
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